Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank you Mom! And mom!

I was going through some of my pictures from the last wedding and came across this one of my mom with my little Eden. They're just hanging out in the van together...

I'm SO GRATEFUL that my mom has followed me to all my weddings this year taking care of Eden! Eden is a nursing babe so I can't leave her for long... thus my mom has to stay close with her. Don't know what I'd do without mom.
Here's mom with Eden earlier this year at a wedding, Eden loves hanging out with her 'beppe'!

And also thanks to my other mom (Ronny's mom!) who gives up work shifts and drives over an hour to come look after my older two kids, Evie and Elijah! I'm so grateful that you make such an effort to help us out. The kids LOVE spending time with you!! Here's a picture of the kids with 'oma' this spring. They love helping Oma garden!

I'm so blessed to have these two women in my life. They are both incredible, compassionate, loving grandmothers that are dearly loved!

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