Sunday, October 10, 2010

Marissa and Kaleb... Engaged!

Marissa was the first newborn baby that I ever got to babysit. I have LOVED babies for as long as I can remember. I can't describe how THRILLED I was when my Aunt Lori called and asked me to babysit Chantal and newborn Marissa. Later came their cute little brother Brody and I spent many nights at their house, playing with the kids and then raiding their freezer for chocolate:) Marissa never failed to call me up to her room and would always ask what I'd just been eating...
Marissa read her Bible every night and she always told me she loved me before she fell asleep. Let me tell you, I loved her too (and still do!).

I also babysat Kaleb and his siblings when he was little. His little sister tore all the wallpaper off her bedroom wall when I was babysitting so they never did ask me to watch them again, oops! They were an adorable bunch of kids!

Anyhow, these guys grew up together and now they're getting married!

And Ruby the dog makes three!

Ruby had to show off for the camera...

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